HTTP Trigger Step

The HTTP Trigger step is used to trigger a flow using a URL.

Praise Magidi avatar
Written by Praise Magidi
Updated over a week ago

This trigger is used to collate data results from other system sources. The HTTP can be used to execute a Synatic flow automatically using the URL.

Adding an HTTP Trigger Step

To add an HTTP Trigger step in a flow, follow the below instructions:

1. Click on the plus button in the Trigger step as shown in the below image.

2. The below page will appear. Select HTTP as illustrated in the image below.

3. After saving, click the HTTP Trigger step edit icon again to view the URL created for the HTTP endpoint.

Configuring an HTTP Trigger Step

Illustrated in the below image is the configuration that is available in the HTTP Trigger step.

URL – The URL used to trigger the flow.

Mode section – Select whether the HTTP executes Synchronously or Asynchronously.

Synchronous mode – The flow is executed immediately and the result will get returned in the HTTP response.

Asynchronous mode – The flow is queued and only an acknowledgement is returned in the HTTP response. Best used for unstable networks to ensure that the request does get processed.

Security Level – The security level required when posting to the HTTP endpoint. The options are Local or None.

Method – The method to be used. The options are Post, Get, Delete, Put and Patch.

  • POST - To send data to a server to create/update a resource.

  • GET - To request data from a specified resource.

  • DELETE - To delete the specified resource.

  • PUT - To send data to a server to create/update a resource.

  • PATCH - A request method for making partial changes to an existing resource.

Enforce Content Type – Enforce the content type of the HTTP call to the trigger. There are three options which are the following:

  • XML – an abbreviation for eXtensible Markup Language, which is used for storing and transporting data.

  • JSON – an abbreviation for JavaScript Object Notation, which is used for storing and exchanging data.

  • None – Any content may be posted to the trigger's HTTP endpoint.

Pass Headers checkbox – Headers included in the POST request to the HTTP endpoint will be included in all subsequent HTTP requests.

Result To File – This option is visible when the Synchronous mode is selected. If selected, the result is returned as a JSON file. If not selected, the result will be returned as the body of the HTTP result.

After saving the step with the desired configuration, click the HTTP Trigger step again to view the URL that was created for the HTTP endpoint.

Using an HTTP Trigger

  • Save button – Save the trigger step configuration.

  • Disable button ­ – Disable the trigger. This will keep the trigger but make it inactive in the flow.

  • Detach button – Detach the trigger. This will keep the trigger but make it inactive in the flow. You can only make it active again through the ReAttach button which will generate a new URL.

  • ReAttach button – Reattach the trigger. This will make the trigger active again with a new URL.

  • Delete button – Removes the trigger completely.

Trigger Status

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