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Schedule Trigger Step

The Schedule Trigger step is used to set up the flow to run at a regular pre-determined time.

Praise Magidi avatar
Written by Praise Magidi
Updated over a year ago

This trigger is used to set specific times that a flow should run. This can be minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years.

Adding a Schedule Trigger Step

To add a Schedule Trigger step in a flow, follow the below instructions:

1. Click on the plus button in the Trigger step as shown in the below image.

2. The below page will appear. Select Schedule as illustrated in the image below.

Configuring a Schedule Trigger Step

Illustrated in the below image is the configuration that is available in the Schedule Trigger step.

The Cron Tab section is used to set the required timeframe. Click the drop-down menu to select the timeframe.

Input Parameters will impact the Schedule Trigger. If the Required checkbox is selected, the schedule trigger will not work. An example is shown in the image below.

Using a Schedule Trigger

  • Save button – Save the trigger step configuration.

  • Disable button ­ – Disable the trigger. This will keep the trigger but make it inactive in the flow.

  • Detach button – Detach the trigger. This will keep the trigger but make it inactive in the flow. You can only make it active again through the ReAttach button which will generate a new URL.

  • ReAttach button – Reattach the trigger. This will make the trigger active again.

  • Delete button – Removes the trigger completely.

Trigger Status

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