Illustrated in the below image is a flow where the Record Generator is used to generate records. A Base64 Writer step is used to convert records into a Base64 encoded string. A Run File destination step to deliver an output file that can be downloaded.
Adding a Base64 Writer Step
To add a Base64 Writer step in a flow, follow the below instructions:
1. Click on the highlighted icon as shown in the below image.
2. The below page will appear. Select or search for a Writer step to pull out the source data. Click on the Writer tab and select Base64 as shown in the image below.
Configuring a Base64 Writer Step
Illustrated in the below image is the configuration that is available in the Base64 Writer step.
Input Section β The object input to use. The following are the available options to select from are Record, Output, Result, and Original Record.
Testing a Base64 Writer Step
The image below shows data in the Record Generator step.
To test a Base64 Writer step, follow the instructions below:
1. Click the highlighted play button on the Base64 Writer step shown in the image below:
2. The Base64 code result will be shown in the Step Debug section at the bottom of the screen as highlighted in the image below.