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CMSMTF Writer Step

The CMSMTF Writer step uses handlebars to create a text file.

Praise Magidi avatar
Written by Praise Magidi
Updated over a week ago

Illustrated in the below image is a flow where the Record Generator source step is used to generate records. A CMSMTF Writer step is used to write text format records. The Combine step is used combine records into a single output, and a Run File destination step to deliver an output file that can be downloaded.

Adding a CMSMTF Writer Step

To add a CMSMTF Writer step in a flow, follow the below instructions:

1. Click on the highlighted icon as shown in the below image.

2. The below page will appear. Select or search for a Writer step to pull out the source data. Click on the Writer tab and select CMSMTF as shown in the image below.

Configuring a CMSMTF Writer Step

Illustrated in the below image is the configuration that is available in the CMSMTF Writer step. There are separate sections that are similar where the output TXT file is configured.

Header Template section – CMSMTF for the header.

Record Header Template section – CMSMTF for the header per record.

Record Template section – CMSMTF for the record.

Record Footer Template section – CMSMTF for the footer per record.

Footer Template section – CMSMTF for the footer.

Using a CMSMTF Writer Step

The image below shows data in the Record Generator step.

To use a CMSMTF Writer step, configure the desired sections in the step. The image below shows the syntax that is used to pass the Assignee, CaseName and Status records in the Record Template section. The records are not required to be filled for the CMSMTF Writer step to convert to a TXT file. Once the configuration is done, follow these steps:

The Run File step is shown below. The File Type has been selected as Txt.

Viewing the created Text file

1. Click the Execute Flow button shown in the image below:

2. Click the Create Run button.

3. Once the run has completed successfully, click on the processed run and then click the download button on the Run File step to download the output file as highlighted in the image below.

The image below shows the TXT output file.

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