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Solution Parameters

Reusing configuration with Parameters

Praise Magidi avatar
Written by Praise Magidi
Updated over a week ago

A Parameter is a value, object, or code snippet available throughout your Solution. You can think about parameters as similar to a configuration file usually used in traditional programming. Parameters simplify configuration, facilitate reuse of common info, and provide extra security, through encryption.

Typical things to store in parameters include API keys, domain-specific constants like tax rates or threshold values, file or object paths, and algorithm parameters. Basically, anything you'd want to avoid using a "magic string" for. Parameters can store more complex objects, but in this case, using a Buffer might be more appropriate. Likewise, connection strings and authentication info is better stored in a Connection.

Creating Parameters

Parameters are managed by clicking on either the Global or Solutions menu.

  • Creating a parameter in the Solution menu will create parameters for that specific solution. All flows created in this solution can reference the parameter.

  • Creating a parameter in the Global menu will allow you to reference the parameter in any solution.

To create a new Parameter, follow the below instructions:

  1. Click the three menu dots (⋮) adjacent to the Global/Solution menu (1).

  2. From, there click the Create button > (2) in the sidebar to expand it.

  3. Select Parameter from the options provided to create a new parameter (3).

  4. Type a Parameter name.

  5. Select a Value Type.

  6. Parameter values can be encrypted for security purposes. This triple-encrypts the value on Synatic. Encryption can be enabled by clicking on the Secure check box as highlighted in the image above. It is good practice to encrypt any sensitive information (API keys, etc).

Using Parameters

Field Binding

Parameters can be used wherever you see the Parameter Link symbol next to a field:

Clicking on the Parameter Link will allow you to select the parameter, and bind it to the field:

Once selected, the Parameter will be shown with a preceding @ that signifies the parameter name.

The Parameter can be unlinked from a value by clicking on the unlink icon next to the field name.

Using parameters in strings

Parameters can be used inside strings by using the {@parameterName} character sequence:

Parameters can also be complex objects. In the above example, the Parameter “parameter1” has the property “value” that is being merged into the string on execution. If the value of parameter1 was:

The final URL that would be used is

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