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Input Flow Parameters

Input parameters allow for data to be passed to a Flow

Praise Magidi avatar
Written by Praise Magidi
Updated over a month ago

Input parameters are parameters that can be used by the whole Flow to define different behaviors.

Creating Input Parameters

Input parameters are defined in the Parameters block as outlined in red in the image below:

Click on the parameters block and the page below will pop-up.

Name – The parameter name.

Type – The data type of the parameter. This can be selected from the dropdown list.

Default – The default value which a parameter will use if inputted.

Required – To enable a parameter if it is required to run the flow. Tick the checkbox if applicable.

Secure – To encrypt a parameter. Tick the checkbox if applicable.

The highlighted tick icon on the far right of the parameter in the image above must be clicked before saving the input parameter. Click on the Save button to save the input parameter/s.

To add more parameters, click on the plus icon highlighted in the below image.

Using Input Parameters

Input Parameters can be used in a variety of different ways.

Synchronous flows

Parameters can be used to pass data from one flow to another flow if the Synchronous Flow destination step is used. The parameter should be set in the second flow and it will automatically be added in the Synchronous Flow step that is in the first flow.

Field Binding

Parameters can be referenced as a field in any step by clicking on the highlighted Parameter Link icon next to a field as illustrated in the below image.

Clicking on the Parameter Link icon will allow you to select the parameter, and bind it to the field.

Once selected, the Parameter will be shown with a preceding @ that signifies the parameter name.

The Parameter can be unlinked from a value by clicking on the unlink icon next to the field name as per the image below.

In Strings

The parameter can be used as a replacement in strings using the {@} notation with a parameters pretext to signify we're using parameters: (@parameters.}

In the above example, the value will be replaced in the Path configuration element.

In Handlebars

More detail on Handlebars can be found at the help article.

Input parameters are used wherever handlebars are supported (text templates etc.).

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