CSV Reader Step

The CSV Reader Step is used to read CSV files.

Praise Magidi avatar
Written by Praise Magidi
Updated over a week ago

1. Click on the highlighted icon as illustrated in the image below.

2. Select or search for the CSV reader step to return the source data. Click on the Reader tab and select CSV as shown in the page below.

Configure the CSV step

The image below illustrates the configuration in the CSV reader step. To edit each field, click on the edit icon highlighted below the field.

A Character Map with a range of characters will pop up as shown in the below page. A comma is automatically selected when the CSV reader step is added. All selected characters appear in the ‘SELECTED’ section on the Character map page.

Field Delimiter - used to determine characters separating fields.

Row Delimiter - used to determine characters indicating the end of a row. "CR LF" is selected by default when the CSV reader step is added.

Text Qualifier Character - used to specify the values that should be treated as text. This field is blank by default when the CSV reader step is added.

Comment Character - used to indicate that there is a comment in a row, and that row will be skipped. The "#" character is selected by default when the CSV reader step is added.

Escape Character - used to indicate that the field or row should be ignored. This field is blank by default when the CSV reader step is added.

The configuration illustrated below are enabled when the checkbox next to them is selected.

Field Names in Header Field - fetches the header field names from the CSV file and automatically sets the field names. The checkbox is selected by default when the CSV Reader step is added.

Skip Header Rows Field - indicates the number of rows to skip before the header row. Type the desired number and it will skip any rows that may be above the header in the CSV file. If the ‘3’ is inputted, the first 3 rows will be skipped; therefore making the fourth row as the headers. The default number is 0 when the CSV Reader step is added.

Expand Field Names Checkbox - creates sub-object fields using a dot “.” character. The checkbox is selected by default when the CSV Reader step is added.

Auto Convert Values Checkbox - automatically converts values in the CSV file to JSON values. The checkbox is not selected by default when the CSV Reader step is added.

Enforce Field Number Checkbox - ensures that each row has the same number of fields. The checkbox is not selected by default when the CSV Reader step is added.

Trim Checkbox - trims all leading and trailing spaces on the right and the left of the field of the CSV file. The checkbox is not selected by default when the CSV Reader step is added.

Left Trim Checkbox - trims all leading spaces on the left of the field of the CSV file. The checkbox is not selected by default when the CSV Reader step is added.

Right Trim Checkbox - trims all trailing spaces on the right of the field of the CSV file. The checkbox is not selected by default when the CSV Reader step is added.

Ignore Empty Rows Checkbox - ignores all empty rows of the CSV file.

String Encoding Field - determines the code that will be used to encode strings. It is set to Utf28 by default when the CSV step is added. Other options are ASCII or Latin1.

The Max Row Size Field - determines the maximum length a row can be.

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