Excel Reader Step

The Excel Reader step is used to read data from a specified worksheet in an Excel file.

Praise Magidi avatar
Written by Praise Magidi
Updated over a week ago

Illustrated in the below image is a flow where the Excel Reader step is used to read the data from a worksheet in an Excel file, the filter step to filter for a specific sheet in the worksheet and a buffer destination step to store the data in.

Adding an Excel Reader step

To use an Excel Reader step in a flow, please follow these instructions:

1. Click on the highlighted icon as shown in the below image to add the Excel reader step.

2. Select or search for the Excel reader step to return the source data from an Excel file. Click on the Reader tab and select Excel as shown in the image below.

Configure an Excel Reader step

The image below illustrates how the Excel Reader step looks which a description on each configuration.

Worksheet Field - the name of the worksheet or the worksheet number to read.

Has Header Checkbox - determines whether the worksheet has a header. The checkbox is selected by default when the Excel Reader step is added.

Header Row - shows the row the header is in. By default, it is set as the first row which is '1'. This can be changed to any other required number.

Start Data Row - shows where the row where the data starts. By default, it is set as the second row which is '2'. This can be changed to any other required number.

AutoMap Section - shows where fields are set to automatically map from the Excel sheet to the fields returned.

The following are the available options:

  • Enable Checkbox - determines whether automapping should be enabled. The checkbox is selected by default when the Excel Reader step is added.

  • Expand Checkbox - determines whether objects are expanded. The checkbox is selected by default when the Excel Reader step is added.

  • CamelCase Checkbox - determines whether the field names should be converted to CamelCase. The checkbox is not selected by default when the Excel Reader step is added.

Enforce Field Number - ensures that each row has the same number of fields. The checkbox is not selected by default when the Excel reader step is added.

Name Mappings Section - manually map specific headers according to the column names that are required to return as an output.

Column Mappings Section - manually map certain fields according to the column letter in the Excel worksheet. e.g. column A will be mapped to a field name inputted in the path.

Using an Excel Reader step

The image below shows the data in the worksheet.

To view the data from a worksheet using the Excel Reader step, please follow these instructions:

1. Click on the play button on the Excel Reader step as highlighted in the image below.

2. Click the highlighted area in the image below to upload an Excel file.

3. Click the Test button as shown in the image below.

The image below illustrates how the data will look once it has been returned by the Excel Reader step.

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