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Socket 'secureConnect' timed out
Socket 'secureConnect' timed out

This error can occur on any step that connects to an API via HTTPS.

Praise Magidi avatar
Written by Praise Magidi
Updated over a month ago


Socket 'secureConnect' timed out


When Synatic cannot establish a secure HTTPS connection to a 3rd-party API via a step in a flow. There a many possibilities as to why this would occur, these might include:

  • A transient error due to network instability between a 3rd-party API and Synatic.

  • A failed TSL certificate validation from a 3rd-party API.

  • A 3rd-party API is experiencing some sort of service outage.

In most cases, this is caused by transient network instability.


As Synatic does not have direct control over the 3rd-party APIs, we integrate them into the network between us and them. There are not a lot of factors we can directly control or influence. Please try the following steps in order to resolve your problem

  • Identify the 3rd-party APIs used within the affected flow.

  • Check the availability of the 3rd-party APIs by using a tool such as Postman. If the request fails in Postman reach out the the 3rd-party API provider for assistance.

  • Re-run the affected flow in the case of the 3rd-party API being available.

If the error persists, reach out to Synatic support.

Error Detail

"error": {
"errorResponse": {
"connectionGeneration": 1
"connectionGeneration": 1,
"writeErrors": [],
"result": {
"insertedCount": 0,
"matchedCount": 0,
"modifiedCount": 0,
"deletedCount": 0,
"upsertedCount": 0,
"upsertedIds": {},
"insertedIds": {}
"message": "Socket 'secureConnect' timed out after 90054ms (connectTimeoutMS: 30000)",
"errorMessage": "Socket 'secureConnect' timed out after 90054ms (connectTimeoutMS: 30000)",
"invalid": null,
"stepType": "Source",
"stepName": "RelayAsync",
"title": null,
"statusCode": 500,
"orgId": null,
"stepId": "06d83f0f-f80e-4244-889f-b11bccdb44dd",
"mapStepId": null,
"mapStepPath": null,
"mapStepType": "Step",
"module": null,
"commandProcessingError": null
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