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Ns not found

Step: Buffer Source / Buffer Query / Buffer Lookup

Praise Magidi avatar
Written by Praise Magidi
Updated over 2 months ago


Ns not found


The underlying collection for the Buffer being queried in this step has been dropped due to a Buffer purge operation, and no longer exists. The query can therefore not be executed, resulting in an error. This happens due to a Buffer Destination step that is configured to purge the Buffer before executing being run in a separate flow at the same time that this query is taking place. It is also possible that a manual purge has been triggered while this errored Flow was running.


Find other flows with Buffer Destination steps where this Buffer is being used, and look for instances where it is purged before a step executes. Consider when these other flows are executed in relation to the errored flow. If it is possible to create a time delay between the execution of these flows, that would be an ideal solution.

To preempt this error entirely, consider flow concurrency when designing your Flows, particularly when adding Buffer steps. Creating separate Buffers for separate Flows can sometimes be a better option to reusing them across Flows. For Flows that are dependant on a shared Buffer, consider using SubFlows to group the execution of those operations sequentially to prevent concurrency problems.

Error Detail

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