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Buffer Query Lookup Mapper Step
Buffer Query Lookup Mapper Step

The Buffer Query Lookup Mapper step is used to query multiple buffer lookups in one step.

Praise Magidi avatar
Written by Praise Magidi
Updated over a year ago

The Buffer Query Lookup Mapper step is used to query multiple buffer lookups in one step. It also assists with flow optimization and flow performance.

Illustrated below is an example of a part of a flow where multiple buffer lookup steps are used.

The Record Generator step is used as the main source step and populated is an AccountID as illustrated below.

Adding a Buffer Query Lookup Mapper Step

To add a source step, follow these instructions:

1. Click on the highlighted icon as shown in the below image.

2. The below page will appear. Select or search for the Buffer Query Lookup Mapper step.

Configuring the Buffer Query Lookup Mapper Step

Illustrated in the below image is the configuration that is available in the Buffer Lookup Mapper step.

Concurrent Method

Method to use for processing the lookups. The options are Series or Parallel.

Series option – Process the lookups one after another.

Parallel option – Process the lookups at the same time.


The lookups to perform as a query. Multiple lookups can be added using the Add Lookup button outlined in red in the image below.

Type the object name required to be returned with the data that is being looked up on the To Path field. The Limit field sets the maximum number of records required to be returned. In this example, the limit is set to 100. Select the required buffer by clicking on the drop-down list. This will return the buffer ID (highlighted in the image below). Type out SQL query in the query field. A record in the data set can be referenced by using '{@record.fieldName}' in the SQL query. Click on the Validate button to validate the SQL query.

For more complex queries, click on the below link to see the available syntax:

Prefer Secondary checkbox

Read the data from a second instance which is quicker to lookup. However, the results may be delayed.

Debug checkbox

Log queries for debug purposes.

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