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Flow Versioning

Different versions of a flow can be created and modified while one version is used as the executable version.

Praise Magidi avatar
Written by Praise Magidi
Updated over a week ago

Flow versioning is used to keep a log of different versions of the flow. All changes made to a flow will be saved to a version of the flow. It makes it more efficient to retrieve a previous version of a flow that was committed/saved. This assists when changes need to be made to a flow and the executable version of the flow will remain unchanged.

Flow versioning is located at the top of the flow as illustrated in the below image.

Draft Version (current version)

The draft version shows the version number of the flow. If any changes are made, it will show that the flow has been modified. In the image above, the flow is on version 7 and has been modified. To save the changes as a new version, it must be committed as a draft by clicking on the Commit button.

Deployed Version

A deployed flow version refers to a version of a flow that will be executed when the flow is automatically triggered. This could be from a trigger on the flow, a REST/ODATA API call, or another flow.

A version can be deployed manually by clicking on the history button to access the Deploy button as shown in the image below.

The Deploy button will be disabled if the version is already deployed.

Currently, the current draft (the flow that appears in the flow builder) is the one that gets executed by default. With deployed versions, this behaviour changes - the deployed flow is the one that gets executed. This allows work and testing of a flow to continue in the flow builder without affecting the operation of the currently deployed version. If no version is deployed, the draft will be executed.

To execute a deployed flow from the flow controls, select “Run deployed” from the drop-down list and click the play button to the left of it as shown the below image.

To execute the draft instead, can select the “Run draft” option and click the play button to the left of it as illustrated in the image below.

The currently deployed version can be viewed in the flow control bar as shown in the image below.

When viewing run information, the executed version can be seen as shown in the image below.

Commit Draft

A draft is the latest state of the flow regardless of whether changes have been committed or not. The Commit draft button is used to commit new changes to the flow and update the flow version.

To commit a draft, click the Commit draft button. This will open a page which is illustrated in the image below.

Provide a description of the change being committed and click on the Commit Draft button. This will save the flow and update the version number.

In addition, there is an option to commit new changes in the Version History field. If the current version is not committed, a message will be displayed with an option to commit as highlighted in the image below.

History (Version History)

The Version History is used as a log to access all previous, committed versions of the flow.

There are two ways to view the Version History:

  1. Click on the Version History button located on the top right of the screen as highlighted in the image below.

When viewing flow version history, the following will be seen:

  • The deployed version

  • Who deployed that version

  • When that version was deployed

2. The flow's menu tab:

2.1. Click the three menu dots (⋮) adjacent to the flow (1).

2.2. Click on Versions (2).

The version numbers are sorted by the latest created to older versions. Any version can be opened to access the version of the flow. Click on a version to restore the flow.

Restore Draft

The version numbers are sorted by the latest created to older versions. Any version can be opened to access the version of the flow. Click on a version to restore the flow.

The Restore button will be disabled if the version is already the current draft.

Search for a version

The search functionality is used to search for a specific version.

To search for a version, type the version number in the highlighted tab as shown in the image below.

In the example shown in the image below, Version 2 was searched for by inputting the version number in the search bar. Version 2 is then displayed.

Filter versions

There are three ways to filter versions which are the following:

  1. Created after

  2. Created before

  3. Created by

1. Created after filter

Only versions created after the specified date will be displayed. Click on the Created after field and a calendar will pop up, allowing for a date to be selected as shown in the below image.

2. Created before filter

Only versions created before the specified date will be displayed. Click on the Created before field and a calendar will pop up, allowing for a date to be selected as illustrated in the image below.

3. Created by filter

The filter is used to find a version created by a specific user. Click on the Created by text field and type in the relevant name. The system will make suggestions based on what is being typed and provide names that match the search. Only versions created by the specified user will be displayed.

Discard Changes

The Discard Changes button is used to delete the latest change and revert to the previous version. A message appears stating that there are no uncommitted changes.

Additional Information

Please take note of the following:

  • Triggers - Triggers are independent of flow versions.

  • Flow Details Tab - Shows the latest state of the flow regardless of the version and whether the changes have been committed.

  • Exporting a Flow - It will be the current flow regardless of the version or draft. (Changes do not have to be committed). Information about versioning is not exported.

  • Importing a Flow - Imported flows start as brand new flows; they start at Version 1.

  • Linking Orgs - Syncs the current flow (regardless of the version or draft).

  • Run History of a flow - Shows the version of the run that was processed.

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