3. Step Debug Dialog

This dialog displays different views of resulting data following a test run

Praise Magidi avatar
Written by Praise Magidi
Updated over a week ago

The Step Debug dialog displays all the records processed in a Test Run. It is located at the bottom of the screen as shown in the image below.

The Current Records tab displays all successfully processed data records that are being returned from the step that is being tested.

The Detailed tab displays all successfully processed data records that are being returned from the step that is being tested with the run details from the flow such as parameters, run info, original record etc.

Click on the link below if require to reference a field from the Detailed tab:

There are three views which can be used to show the data; JSON, Tree View, and Table.


Click on the JSON button to view data in JSON view if this is preferred.

Tree View

Click on the Tree View button to view data in Tree View if this is preferred.


Click on the Table button to view data in Table view if this is preferred.

In addition to the different view options, there is an option to export and copy. Click on the buttons to either copy or export the data.

Full screen mode can be by accessed clicking the button shown in the image below.

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