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Step by Step guides to help you get results.
By Praise and 1 other
2 authors
19 articles
General Flows
Importing data from Google Sheets to Microsoft SQL using Synatic
Creating a Salesforce to SQL Server flow
Import a CSV file from SFTP to Postgres
Handling API Authentication
Decoding a JWT Token
Connecting an HTTP Service to Facebook using OAuth 2.0
Connecting an HTTP Service to QuickBooks using OAuth 2.0
Operations Portal
2. AsyncFlow Control
3. SyncFlow Control
4. Buffer Control
5. Runs Control
6. Run Control
7. HTML Control
8. Graph Control
API Builder/Gateway
1. API Builder Tutorial - Introduction
2. API Tutorial - Route to Get All Books
3. API Tutorial - Route to Get a Book by ID
4. API Tutorial - Route to Post New Book
5. API Tutorial - Route to Update a Book by ID
6. API Tutorial - Route to Delete a Book by ID