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All CollectionsOperations Portal
10. Ops Portal View – Matcher Control
10. Ops Portal View – Matcher Control

Creating a view to monitor and validate matched records stored in buffers.

Praise Magidi avatar
Written by Praise Magidi
Updated over 4 months ago

The Matcher view is used to flag potentially matched records stored in buffers. The view uses Vector Search which will also flag the closest possible matches even if there are no exact matches. Users can perform actions on the matched data such as deleting or consolidating the data.

The article provides guidance on how to:

Creating an Ops Portal Matcher View

Open the Operations Portal created earlier, go to the Operations Portal section in the menu on the left of the platform and click the plus button (+) to add the new View as per the image below.

  1. Give it a name and a meaningful description (description optional).

  2. Click on the Save View button.

Select the Control type

Each Ops Portal view can be configured to use a specific control type.

Select the Matcher option which provides a view into any data stored in a Buffer.

  1. Click on the Control field.

  2. The selection list opens, select the Matcher option as illustrated in the image below.

Select the Buffer

Select the desired buffer to access from the dropdown list or alternatively, create a new buffer by clicking on the highlighted plus button.

Buffer Field – Select the required buffer to be reviewed.

Default Query

Used to query the buffer. For more information on how to query a buffer, click on the link below:

Matched Buffer – Select the buffer to match against. Alternatively, create a new buffer by clicking on the highlighted plus (+) button as illustrated in the image below.

Source Display Fields

Fields to display in the grid of the source record.

  • Property Name – Name of the property on the source record.

  • Alias – User-friendly alias of the property name.

  • Type – Property type.

  • Description – Column description of the property.

Matched Display Fields

Matched fields to display in the grid.

  • Property Name – Name of the property on the matched record.

  • Alias – User-friendly alias of the property name.

  • Type – Property type.

  • Description – Column description of the property.

The fields names can be obtained from the buffer output as per the image below:

Flow Buttons Section

Buttons on the Operations Portal that can be used to initiate SyncFlow flows that have been set in a SyncFlow Control Ops View.

  • Name – Name of the button on the Operations Portal.

  • Ops View Name – The configured SyncFlow Ops View name that the button initiates.

  • Icon – The flow button's icon.

  • Color – The flow button's color.

  • Refresh View checkbox – Select whether the flow button will auto-refresh the page when completed.

  • Popup Message – Confirmation popup message.

To add new buttons, click on the plus (+) icon outlined in the image below. Click on the tick button highlighted in yellow on the right side of the screen to add the buttons or click the (x) button to remove. Once buttons are added, click on the pencil icon to edit or the delete icon to remove the buttons as highlighted in blue in the image below.

Link Fields Add 'links' to records. These are artificially added to the frontend for ease of use and does not add a 'link' to the record once specified. The functionality depends on a link being present in the related record.

Hidden checkbox – Hide the view from the Operations Portal.

Once the View's configuration is completed, click the Save View button.

Operations Portal

The view is constructed in the Operations Portal. To access it the Operations Portal, Click on the link below:

Type the Organization name and click on the sign-in button.

1. Select the Ops Portal option from the list on the left side of the platform.

2. Select the Ops Portal view that was created from the list of available views.

The View is displayed where data can be managed as illustrated in the image below.

Operations Portal View Options

Refresh – Refresh the page.

Filter – Select the records to view. The image below shows the options.

Filter icons

Total Count – Total record count after filter.

Processed Count – Total processed records after the filter.

Matched Count – Shows accepted records when selected.

Invalid Count – Shows rejected records when selected.

Flow Request Buttons – Buttons used to initiate SyncFlow flows that have been set in a SyncFlow Control Ops View. Click on the outlined button to show more buttons if more than three were created. It is in the order the flows were added in the Flow Buttons section.

Clicking on a button will initiate the relevant flow as configured. The image below shows an example of a popup message after clicking a flow request button. See the Flow Buttons Section on how to create and edit the flow button's color, icon and popup message.

The flow requests bar will show all flow requests. It is located at the bottom of the page on the right side of the screen as shown in the image below.

The flow requests box will automatically expand when any of the buttons are pressed to show the requests. As mentioned earlier in the article, this can be turned off in the settings page. Details about how long the flow took to run as well as the status will be shown as shown in the image below.

Statistics – Shows the Matched statistics as illustrated in the image below.

Operations Portal Default Columns

State Column

The state of the record is shown using the below icons:

Filter to select the records to view.

Total processed records after filter.

Record has matches.

Record is invalid.

Details Column

Details of each record are displayed on this tab. To access the details, click on the outlined information icon to open the record details.

Matched Display Column

Click on the dropdown list to access the duplicate display column. Is has three columns as outlined in the image below.

Score Column

The similarity score is shown in this column is percentage as illustrated in the image below.

Match Column

The Match column has checkboxes used to select multiple matches. When a checkbox is clicked, the State Column changes as well. The State will change to a green tick to indicate that the record has a match as outlined in red illustrated in the below image.

Right-click on a record to get a list of more options as shown in the image below.

Match Details Column

Details of each match are displayed on this tab. To access the details, click on the information icon outlined in yellow to open the match details.

Fields Columns

The set matched display fields are shown in this section as shown in the image below.

Ops Portal View Menu Section

To access the menu, click on the username initials located on the top right of the page as shown in the image below.

In addition to showing the user details, the menu has the option to show the flow request buttons if they are closed. There are also options to sign out and access the settings page.

Settings Page

The settings page is shown in the image below.

Table row height

Set the table row height by clicking on the outlined dropdown arrow to select the required pixels.

Automatically expand flow request button

The flow request box automatic expansion is turned off in the settings as well by clicking the on/off button outlined in blue in the above image.


The Keys section is used to generate user keys. To generate a key, click on the button outlined in green in the image above. For more information on keys, click on the link below:

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