Processing Object

The Processing Object contains the current state of a Run and the current Record

Praise Magidi avatar
Written by Praise Magidi
Updated this week

The Processing Object contains information about the current Run and Record State. This object can be accessed in Calculators ( input.), as Handlebars( {{}} ) or as a parameter replace ({@}).

This is located in the Detailed tab in the Step Debug.

The Run State Object consists of the following properties.

rowNumber:Integer: The current Row number,
recordNumber:Integer: The current Record number. A record is a Row that valid as in not a header, footer, skipped or error.
parameters:{}: The input parameters to the Flow,
parentParameters:{}: The input parameters of the Flow that called this Flow, if applicable,
record:{}: The current Record being processed,
originalRecord:{}: The Record before any mappers were applied, as interpreted by the Reader,
output:Dynamic: The output of a Writer Step,
result:Dynamic: The result of a Destination Step,
header:[]: An array of any Headers parsed,
footer:[]: An array of any Footers parsed,
errors:Integer: The number of error Records to this point,
completed: The number of completed Records to this point,
skipped: The number of skipped Records to this point,
headers: The number of headers parsed to this point,
footers: The number of footers parsed to this point
totals:{}: The current running totals if an Accumulator Step was used,
runDate:Date: Date:The date the run was created,
timeStamp:String: The ISO date string the Run was created,
day:String: The day the Run was created e.g. "15" for the 15th of the month,
dayOfWeek:String: The Day of the week the Run was created e.g. "Sunday",
hour:String: The hour the Run was created e.g. "20" for the 8 pm,
minute:String: The minute the Run was created e.g. "01" for the 1st minute,
second:String: The second the Run was created e.g. "01" for the 1st second,
month:String: The month the Run was created e.g. "12" for December,
year:String: The year the Run was created e.g. "2018",
shortYear:String: The short year the Run was created e.g. "18" for 2018,
runUID:String: A unique id that can be used for external services,
runId:String: The internal Run ID,
batchId:String: A batch id passed as parameter Batch ID,
_id:String: The internal Flow identifier,
name:String: The system generated Flow Name,
title:String: The user assigned name of the Flow
source:{}: The source of the Run,
lastRun:Date: The data the Flow was last succesfully Run,
_id:String: The internal Organization identifier,
name:String: The system generated Organization Name,
title:String: The user assigned name of the Organization
nextSequence:Integer: The next sequence of the Flow,
timeout:Integer: The timeout, in minutes, of the Flow,
processedFilePath:String: The path of the currently processed file, if a file was processed,
processedFileName:String: The filename (from the path) of the currently processed file, if a file was processed

These properties can be used in various Steps as part of the configuration. So for example, the Path of a destination may be {@processedFileName} or the filename could be created from a set of parameters e.g.

In a calculator, the entire object is passed as the parameter "input":

In a Field Mapper, use the parameters inline or as part of a handlebars template as per the example in the image below.

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